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Thursday 19 May 2016

Fairford Church Trip 4 June 2.30pm

I'm hoping to encourage a good turn out for this trip to look at the stained glass windows in Fairford Church which date back to the 14th Century, and are some of the oldest ones still in existence. The church has a 4 star Heritage rating
On a recent trip, I took some photos, firstly of The Bull where some of us are meeting before the trip for lunch at 12.30pm:
 And then from there we're meeting inside the church at 2.30pm for a talk on the windows:
here are a couple:

I really liked this kneeler, there are so many gorgeous ones
 and this cat greets you on the way out.
If you'd like to come on this trip, please let me know via emailing
also indicate whether you'd like to join us for lunch because I need to book a table.

Trip to Roche Court

On Monday, a group of 30 Friends visited Roche Court on one of the brightest, sunniest days we've had this year. It was glorious. We arrived about 12.35pm after a lovely coach ride through leafy Wiltshire countryside, and were greeted warmly by Beth and Francesca and introduced to our picnic spot overlooking the valley to one side of Roche Court.
 Above stretching our legs after the trip, and below on blankets amid the rolling countryside
 The sculpture park is set in the grounds of Roche Court, with some of it in the walled garden where I found this Euphorbia 'Firecracker' possibly.
 The red tulips beneath this tree are almost visible
 This is 'Hazinthe' by Paul Morrison, set against the blue sky it's breath taking
 and this is Barry Flanagan's 'Acrobats'
 Of course a sculpture trail wouldn't be complete, for me at least, without one of these men!
 We ended the day with high tea served in the house, and eaten outside on the terrace.
We were encouraged the spread the word about Roche Court, it's free to enter, do go and visit, it's a beautiful place. For more details and information about what's going on at Roche Court, please click on the link at the top of this post.
Nearly forgot to include one of the stone dogs

Sunday 15 May 2016

Friends PV and Eileen Cooper RA Talk

Last Thursday we were very pleased to welcome Friends to an Eileen Cooper RA Private View at 6pm, followed by an in conversation session between Eileen and Sophie Cummings, Curator at the museum and art gallery. Drinks were kindly provided by Meryl Ainslie including lots of bubbly.
 I've included several photos of people during the first part of the evening when people were enjoying the exhibition, and chatting to Eileen. Here's Martin Newman with Eileen below. They could have posed beside that fabulous drawing, but it was by chance that it turned out like that.
 Below is a beautiful linocut, available for sale!

 I like this one, above, Vicky Silver and Rosemary Yeldham chatting

 Below here's Sophie quizzing Eileen about her early influences, and her practice. We weren't surprised to learn that Eileen puts a lot of hours into her work. Wonderful questioning by Sophie and I'm even more fascinated by Eileen Cooper now.
 Below the rapt audience.
If you haven't been, I strongly recommend the exhibition 'Hide and Seek' , a remarkable collection of unique works on paper spanning almost 40 years, additionally there's a selection of drawings from the Swindon Collection picked by Eileen Cooper to complement her drawings.