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Thursday 19 May 2016

Fairford Church Trip 4 June 2.30pm

I'm hoping to encourage a good turn out for this trip to look at the stained glass windows in Fairford Church which date back to the 14th Century, and are some of the oldest ones still in existence. The church has a 4 star Heritage rating
On a recent trip, I took some photos, firstly of The Bull where some of us are meeting before the trip for lunch at 12.30pm:
 And then from there we're meeting inside the church at 2.30pm for a talk on the windows:
here are a couple:

I really liked this kneeler, there are so many gorgeous ones
 and this cat greets you on the way out.
If you'd like to come on this trip, please let me know via emailing
also indicate whether you'd like to join us for lunch because I need to book a table.

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