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Saturday, 16 January 2016

Latest Information on Talks and Trips

If you click on the side bar where it says 'Talks and Trips' you can see the list, but the flyer Ray Ward has just produced is more informative and much more informative. It's still a bit difficult to read here; hard copies are available at the museum. Firstly the front cover with the summary of events
 Next information about our trip on Thursday 21 January to Marlborough, and the talk on Brightwen Binyon by the fascinating speaker, Michael Gray on Thursday 25 February:
 Then there's the talk by ceramics' collector, Mark Golder, on Thursday 31 March, illustrated by the fabulous Goathead Pot, and on Thursday 21 April, there's an Exhibition Opening evening for Friends only to the Eileen Cooper exhibition.
 Then we're very pleased to welcome Tim Hyman who's giving a talk on Thursday 28 April
 Then we're very pleased to welcome Eileen Cooper RA to talk about the exhibition which will be in the Main Gallery, tickets are on sale now to Friends, but not until 2.4.16 for those who are not members of the Friends.
 There's a trip to Roche Court on 16 May, bookings taken now, and last but by no means least, a talk by Lynne Derry on the Great Bustard, find out more from Lynne.
Phew, that's a long list. There are also free lunchtime talks at the museum, they will feature in a future blog piece.

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