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Monday, 1 December 2014

Bryn Walters' Talk 28.11.14

Last Friday, 28th November, we were lucky enough to have secured Bryn Walters to talk about the 3 important towns in North Wiltshire, namely Durocornovium- Wanborough, Cunetio - Mildenhall and of arguably lesser importance, Verlucio at Sandy Lane.
Above here's Bryn when we're setting up aided by Tracey White who kindly ensured the projector etc was in good working order, and set up so we got really good images on the screen.
Bryn began by talking about the fact that Lower Wanborough was a real hub in the 2nd Century, he has found Roman wall plaster, mosaic paving, and most of the artefacts in the museum were found there by Bryn. At the same time there were stone quarries at Old Swindon Hill and villas at Swindon.
He touched on the fact that  Silbury Hill at this time was the centre of a water based cult centre that people made pilgrimages to visit. Richard Atkinson found 100 coins thrown into a water feature there.
There was a brilliant turn out for this fascinating talk from the consummate expert on the archaeology of this fascinating area.
When I advertised the talk on Facebook, Barry Leighton kindly sent me this link on the Romans in the area:  
 Our next Friends talk will be on February 26th, yes a Thursday, by popular demand, although I know it's not popular with everyone.
The next Museum talk by Sophie Cummings will be this Thursday 4th December at 7pm:
And will feature among others this LS Lowry painting, Winter in Pendelbury which is also the featured pick of the month:
 With a bit of information along with it.
And lastly, don't forget you have until 13th December to see the current exhibition, if you haven't seen it, come along soon.
For details on opening times etc:

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