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Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Highworth Pot is now Taking Pride of Place in the Museum

It seems that the Highworth Pot has been talked about for a long time, it was found in 2008, and has undergone several procedures at the Wiltshire History Centre, including analysis of its contents.
The pot is estimated to be Roman, from around 1-2AD, it was a useful pot then because when it broke, it was mended. Here's the information that goes with the Pot:
The last time I saw the Highworth Pot was on a visit to the Wiltshire History Centre, I wrote about it on the 22nd of February 2012, so it was good to see it without the 'bandages' which it appeared to have round it then:
 Above in its case, and below a couple of photos to show you the staples:

The 'offical' photograph used in publicity is this one which is great because it's without reflections:
Come along and see the Highworth Pot soon.

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