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Wednesday 3 April 2024

Archaeological Sites and Museums in Sweden and Denmark

 Barbara Swann gave us a tour of places she recently visited in Sweden and Denmark for our February talk which was held via Zoom. The talk was recorded, here's a link to the talk. Many of the slides had information included so I will add them here.

Above setting the scene for when the great Ages were and a map showing the areas visited. Note the Viking Age  is characterised by rampaging Norsemen travelling across Europe.

Above can be seen the similarities between the helmet above and the Sutton Hoo helmet

There are many similarities between the carved stone figures as seen above right and the ones carved by the Picts. There was also a wine strainer very like the Roman wine strainer in the Swindon Collection which the Friends paid to have restored at the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre in Chippenham.

Thank you, Barbara for a fascinating talk.

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