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Thursday 2 January 2020

Top Ten Blog Posts of 2019

One of the delights of writing a blog is looking at the number of page views attained per post. It's hard to judge which posts will attract the most page views. It isn't necessarily a post which takes a long time to write, or one with the best photographs. I thought it might be interesting to review the posts from 2019 and give links to the top 10 posts, so here we go, please click on the titles to see the posts:

1. Talks and Trips for 2019 , 2 January with 430 page views

2. Latest Plans for Swindon MAG , 24 March with 212 page views

3. Private View of the New Exhibitions in the Gallery, 4 April, 207 page views

4. A Traveller in Space and Time: Michael Ayrton, Talk 3 November, 187 page views

5. Lunchtime Talk about the Group 7 exhibition ,26 August, 178 pages views

6.The Open Exhibition 2019, 7 December, 177 page views

7. Ken White's Private View, 17 October 177 page views

8. Ceramics Lunchtime Talk, 17 February, 173 page views

9. Gifted! A new exhibition in the main gallery, 17 January, 153 page views

10. Lunchtime Talk on Artist and Model Exhibition, 4 April, 148 page views

Well that's the top 10, interesting how often the lunchtime talks featured in there.
It's also great to look back on 2019 at Swindon Museum and Art Gallery.

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