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Saturday 29 December 2018

Collective Private View

The Swindon Museum and Art gallery really came to life at the private view of Collective, the open art exhibition. I took lots of general photos of the evening, and then photos of artists beside their work, which will appear in the next blog post.
After general chatting, there were speeches and presentations, firstly owner of Oink Gallery, Mark Pepperall, selected ‘Fallen‘ by Cate Watson as “the most original and well executed piece submitted”and here he is with Cate Watson:
 and here's Tim Carroll whose painting ‘Waiting Room‘ was selected by curator Sophie Cummings for his “work of art that embodies the creativity and vitality of the regional art scene”
It was good to see Rod Hebden at the event, seen here talking to Paul Gregory
 There were possibly a hundred people in the room
 People still milling around and chatting here
 and here
 and then listening to the speeches
 at what was one of the most successful private views in the gallery.

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