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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Our March Talk

 Berlin, Beuys and the Bader-Meinhof: A Beginner's Guide to Modern German Art was the title of the March talk by Curator Sophie Cummings.
  Sophie talked about her appreciation of modern German art, and gave examples of work by Gerhart Richter, Anselm Keifer, Josef Beuys and Sigmar Polke.
 Here is Sophie with the new headset type microphone just about visible.
I rather liked this large Gerhart Richter
 The talk was very well attended, photos of the audience are never easy to capture.
Our next talk is Cellars, Towers and Tunnels by Jon Ratcliffe on Thursday 26 April at 7.30pm, tickets available online or from the museum reception during opening hours.

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