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Sunday 20 August 2017

Taking the Model Out

Whenever I talk about this, there's much hilarity, what do I mean? It's of course a shorthand way of talking about the architect's model of the new museum and art gallery.
The architects' model has been displayed at many places over the last 3 months, the list of some of them appears at the end of this post. The idea behind this is to spread the word about the plans for the new Museum and Art Gallery, and show people the model of the proposed new building.
Volunteers accompany the model and explain the plans, the HLF bid and ask people what the feel about the plans, responses have been almost completely positive and most people have signed the postcards expressing their support.
I have been out to Open Farm Sunday at East Farm in Avebury, twice to the Central Library when the model appeared with plans for the town centre development, and recently to Swindon and Cricklade Railway Steam and Vintage weekend on 12 August.
Never having been to Swindon and Cricklade railway before, I came away a convert to the celebration of steam trains, the old railway line, the waiting room, the station master in uniform, the cafe and so much more. I will be going back as a punter before long.
Here's a photograph of two men in World War 2 uniforms, made of very thick woollen material, looking at the model:
 I was so impressed with the soldiers that I took a proper photo of them
 Here are more people engrossed in looking at the model:
 Having finished my stint with the model, I left the field, crossed the railway line and had a look round at some of the vintage exhibits, this water pump was very impressive.
 According to the information with it, it's a Merryweather & Sons 'Valiant' Steam Pumping engine
 The green writing on the board tells you it was built in 1944 to the order of the War Office, and was one of many supplied to fight fires caused by incendiary bombs in towns. They were placed in strategic points and steam could be raised in 10 minutes or so. The Merryweather Company amazingly dates back to 1692.
 Here's the train coming into Blunsdon station
 and here's another view
More on the bid and the model at
As you can see, it was at Wanborough Show yesterday, and will be at the half marathon on 3 September.

Dorcan Summer Fete Sat 11am to 4pm
Swindon Business Expo, STEAM – Thurs 9.30am to 5pm
Wroughton Carnival – Sat 1pm to 6pm
Wrde Up Festival, Highworth Sat 2pm to 6pm
Old Town Festival – Sun midday to 6pm?
15 or 16/7/2017

Steam, Cider and Sausages festival – Sunday, 10am to 5pm Swindon and Cricklade Railway,Blunsdon
Pinehurst  Fun Day
Stratton Festival, Grange Leisure, Stratton. Saturday 12 to 6pm
Swindon and Wilts PRIDE festival, Town Gardens, Swindon. Sat – 12 to 6pm?
12 or 13/8/2017
Swindon and Cricklade Railway Steam and Vintage weekend – time to be confirmed- Sat & Sun
Wanborough Summer Show and Carnival, Wanborough – 12 to 5pm?
Swindon Half Marathon – finish at Wharf Green - afternoon
Swindon Open Studios SM&AG

Swindon Open Studios SM&AG

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