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Friday 14 July 2017

Free Lunchtime Talks

These popular free sessions start at 12.30pm, and are often in the main gallery, although not always. They usually last half an hour, with the speaker talking for 20 minutes and allowing 10 minutes for questions.
The last one I went to was on the 23 June, given by Curator Sophie Cummings, she started by choosing a few paintings to comment on in the Bomford Gift exhibition in the smaller part of the gallery, and then went onto the London School exhibition where again she chose a few paintings to discuss.
The audience stands around as Sophie talks fascinatingly about the paintings:
 There are also seats available if needed.
Today's FLT is in the downstairs gallery at 12.30pm, Dr Susan Carr will be giving people an informal tour of her portrait exhibition ‘Paint me this way!’.
 Discover the connection between portraiture and therapy in this inspiring exhibition and the extraordinary and moving stories behind the images.
Other talks being held on a Friday lunchtime at 12.30pm include:
28 July- 'The Lie of the Land' - introduction to the new landscape exhibition
11 August- 'Contemporary Arts Society' - the role of the CAS in helping public collections grow
18 August- 'Family Tour'-Peter Burgess' - a family friendly hands on tour of the ceramics collection
 25 August- 'The Lie of the Land' - tour of the landscape exhibition
1 September- 'Paint me this way' - Dr Susan Carr gives a tour of her portrait exhibition
6 September- 'Cathy Lomax' - a Wednesday lunchtime talk about this new exhibition.
29 September- 'The Lie of the Land and the Contemporary Arts Society.
11 October- 'Peter Waldron'- tour of this brand new exhibition to discover more about this important abstract artist and ask any questions you have about the works on display. Note this is also a Wednesday talk

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