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Monday 15 May 2017

Creative Wiltshire exhibition

Last week  the official opening of the Creative Wiltshire exhibition at the Swindon Museum and Art Gallery was held in the downstairs front rooms. It's a lovely exhibition celebrating some of the wonderful creativity in Wiltshire, with quite a lot of work from Swindon. Refreshments included ginger beer which has become quite a feature of events at the museum, celebrating the many ginger beer makers once operating in the town. The drink, while very refreshing, has an almost alcoholic hint about it, and makes me wonder if there could be a revival of locally produced ginger beer, maybe I'll ask Old Town Brewery what they think about brewing some.

Looking at the museum's website, they describe the exhibition as follows:

Creative Wiltshire: Celebrating modern art and design from Swindon and Wiltshire

 The landscape and character of Wiltshire has long inspired artists and designers. This exhibition celebrates artists from Swindon and Wiltshire who feature in our Collection of Modern British Art and includes many recent acquisitions.Since 2015, Swindon Museum and Art Gallery has worked with Wiltshire Council and museums across the county to acquire modern and contemporary work by artists from Wiltshire and Swindon. This exhibition brings together new acquisitions made through this scheme and includes work by Ken White, Patricia Volk, Sasha Wardell and Katharine Pleydell Bouverie, artists who live or work in Wiltshire.The exhibition also explores the Swindon Artists Society and Swindon Sketch Club, two organisations which between the 1940s and 1980s brought together some of the town’s most exciting artists, including Leslie Cole, Carleton Attwood, Harold Dearden and George Reason.Discover modern British art with a Wiltshire flavour!

Here's a sample of some of the gems, with number one, George Reason's wonderful depiction of the diving platform at Coate Water, entitled 'The Polluted Lake', painted in 1969. 

 These ceramic pieces above are made by Katharine Pleydell-Bouverie and were acquired for Swindon through the Creative Wiltshire project.
 Above with far too much reflection Gerald Gardiner's Towards Wiltshire, Early Autumn, interseting view of the window though!
 Above E.Bampton's painting of 'Coate Water' painted in 1948, it looks very tranquil
Below more ceramics in a case.
 Below in the other room, the maquette used to make a Carleton Atwood sculpture, The Watchers.
 Below in this cabinet there are 2 Desmond Morris paintings and the 2 works bought with funding from this project by Patricia Volk.
 and on the side wall, quite hard to see is an aquatint by Howard Hodgkin
 There's a lovely painting of a magnolia in flower on the other side of the cabinet with the maquette in it.
 There's much more to see in this lovely exhibition, and an alternative view by Martin Parry who was taking photos there last week. Martin has also produced a compilation of photos of Swindon Sketch Club in 1950 where you can glimpse some of the pictures in this exhibition on the walls.



  1. I find it very difficult to imagine how my work could have been displayed any worse. Half hidden at the bottom and on the floor. I am exceptionally angry at this placement & have contacted the museum. They seem to have little concern on how sculpture should be displayed. It should be displayed at eye heigh so that you see the piece to the top.
    Patricia Volk

  2. Good post, such exhibitions are treat to visit as you got to see creative work of artists. This looks really good, thank you for sharing it with us
