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Saturday 29 April 2017

Volunteering at the Museum

In order to help with the new opening hours, which since the beginning of April have been more than double the previous ones, Friends have been asked if they would like to volunteer at the museum. I have been three times now, and thoroughly enjoyed each session. There's a subtle difference in visiting the museum and being there in a capacity to help, you get quite a different view of things.
I have been helping at fairly quiet times, giving me plenty of opportunity to talk to visitors when they came in.
Katie Ackrill seen above at the reception desk has been very patient and helped me learn to use the till and other various things I've done like rearranging the shop.
On the first occasion a couple came in from Eastleigh, Hampshire, they used to live in Swindon and they love visiting the museum. The husband of the couple,is particularly keen on collecting crested pottery and specifically wanted to know the location of the original model of the Goss Swindon vase. I emailed the information we had on the crested china to him, and suggested he send an email to Sophie Cummings, asking his question. I've had a look on ebay and found a Goss Swindon vase for sale.
 Above is the case showing the crested china, and below cups and saucers with 'Broad St Chapel, Swindon on them.
 Below some lovely pieces, the fireplace has 'there's no place like home' on it as well as the crest. The hen is very strange.
 More crested china
 and I particularly liked this one depicting the town hall which says 'Public Offices New Swindon' on it.

 I was pleased to see these lovely pieces by Patricia Volk acquired through the Creative Wiltshire project They are displayed in the Creative Wiltshire exhibition in the first two downstairs rooms, well worth a look if you're visiting the museum.
 Being around at closing time, I was given the job of closing the shutters in the downstairs rooms, the one to the right of the front door is cut in half to accommodate a radiator. with a radiator

 Whereas the one in the other room has the original complete shutter

Things you'd never notice if you weren't closing up.

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