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Tuesday 29 November 2016

Lunchtime Talk on the Still Life Exhibition

Sophie Cummings gave a talk on the Still Life exhibition, currently being shown in the small part of the gallery as you go in on the right, on Friday 11 November at 12.30pm. There was a good crowd to hear Sophie talking about some of the paintings in the exhibition, I do like this one, Sophie is talking about the fabulous Edward Wadsworth painting and pointing out various aspects of the painting which made me see it differently.
 And here's Sophie with the Ivon Hitchen's paintings 'Spring in Eden' and 'The Chinese Bowl'

 And onto Lisa Milroy's 'Small Objects' with Walter Poole's 'Still Life' in the background.
 And finally in the Still Life exhibition, talking about Desmond Morris's 'The Mysterious Gift'.
 And really I can't do better than quote what was said on the website:
'A still life is a work of art depicting an arrangement of inanimate objects, such as fruit, drinking glasses or bolts of fabric. Although it is one of art’s more traditional subjects, modern artists still find innovative and engaging ways to depict objects.

This small exhibition celebrates still life paintings from the Swindon Collection of Modern British Art.  Designed to complement ‘From Where I’m Standing’, it shows how artists depict three dimensional objects in paint, pencil and ink.  The exhibition includes important paintings by major British artists including Edward Wadsworth, Ivon Hitchens and Stephen McKenna.  The exhibition also includes work by artists with a Swindon connection, including Walter Poole, Desmond Morris and Peter Ferguson'.
Sophie then spent some time walking round the 'From Where I'm Standing Exhibition'.
The next lunchtime talk will be held on Friday 9 December and looks at the current exhibitions, as usual it starts at 12.30pm and lasts until about 1pm.

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