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Saturday 27 August 2016

Q&A With Hadrian Ellory-van Dekker

Hadrian Ellory-van Dekker, Director and Chief Executive of the Trust will oversee all stages of the transition of the Swindon Museum and Art Gallery in it's present location, Apsley House in Bath Road, Old Town, to its new town centre location in the cultural quarter beside the Wyvern Theatre.
He was invited by the Friends committee to come and take part in a question and answer session, to share his vision, and give a time scale for the new museum and art gallery.
The evening was facilitated by Erik Burnett-Godfree, a former education officer at the museum, who gave some useful insights.
They talked to a packed house, and the evening worked really well.
The Evening Advertiser kindly sent a reporter, this is their article:
Roger Ogle was present to report for the Link magazine, Frances Bevan and Graham Carter were representing Swindon Heritage Magazine and Marie Lennon from BBC Wiltshire
 Above Erik Burnett-Godfree introducing himself above and below the packed house:
 A photo of Hadrian on the left and Erik on the right
 Great evening, thank you to Hadrian and Erik, and of course all those who came along and made it such a special event. With special thanks to those who donated raffle prizes, including the Marriott Hotel, Sophie Cummings, The Museum and Art Gallery who donated a goody bag, and the hairdressing voucher and massage voucher.
We were also fundraising to restore two paintings:
 Above 'Landscape' by George Downs, and below 'Night Sky' by Jack Smith
We need to raise almost £1000 to restore the paintings, our raffle raised £161, and entry to the Q&A with Hadrian raised an amount which we can reveal soon. The next fundraising event will be the Magnum wine tasting on 6 October. It's £15 per person. Tickets from the museum.

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