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Tuesday 7 April 2015

James Russell is coming to talk to us in June

Three Peasants Lose a Shilling, Leon Underwood

James Russell has just provided via his blog an interesting connection from Leon Underwood, featured in Mike Yates article in the recent Journal, to Eric Ravilious. There are currently two exhibitions featuring these wonderful artists both are worth seeing.

New Exhibitions: Pallant House, Fry, RWA, Ashmolean & Dulwich

Friends are organising a trip to Dulwich Picture Gallery to see the Eric Ravilious exhibition there on Friday 10 July (further details to come). The Leon Underwood exhibition is at Pallant House in Chichester, no Friends trip here but a suuny day out looking at pictures in this wonderful gallery, then the Marc Chagall windows in the cathedral followed by a seaside walk is recommended.

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