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Thursday 12 June 2014

About Face - the Private View of the new exhibition

The new exhibition, About Face opened to the public on Wednesday June 11th, but a lucky few were invited to a very special private view and a canape and champagne reception on Tuesday evening from 6-8pm by Robert Hiscox. It was a delightful evening, and photographs below reflect the evening rather than the art, the exhibition is there waiting for you to see.
I arrived while Robert Hiscox was talking enthusiastically about the new museum and art gallery soon to be built in the town centre, then Sophie Cummings, curator of the exhibition talked about some of the pictures and their juxtapositioning:

After Sophie's talk, the champagne flowed and canapes were handed round giving the four Friends committee members present time to circulate a little and encourage those present to show their support for the museum and art gallery by joining the Friends.
A lovely ambience was created by the delightful guitar playing by James Daubney, and further interest by those having their photos taken with Bardwell and Baskervilles lovelies:
 Above, I think is Baskerville without the costume, and below Sue Bardwell with the models
 And below here, Robert Hiscox looking very happy:
Other people who were reasonably happy to be photographed were Cllr David Renard and Jeremy Holt:
I will include a photo of the tremendously energetic duo Helen and Nicki who among other things encourage and support the Friends wonderfully:
I hope you enjoy the exhibition which will be featured properly in the blog soon.
Coming up:
An event by Mike Yates about Ralph Bates on the 20th June at 7.30pm
A talk by Sophie Cummings on July 8th 12.30-1.30pm

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