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Monday 25 November 2013

AGM on Friday 22nd of November

The 20th AGM of the Friends of SM&AG was held last Friday at 7pm. There were about 40 people present, it felt almost crowded, I have tried to take a photo to give an idea of the numbers, but because of the way the seating was arranged, it wasn't easy.
 I have included 3 photos giving slightly different views.

After the main business of the meeting, Helen Miah, recently appointed team leader of the M&AG, talked about 'the way forward'. This involves looking at the possibility of building a new museum and art gallery in the town centre on one of a possible 4 sites to be decided on the 11.12.13 at a council meeting. In the meantime, there will be new exhibitions, starting with an abstract exhibition next January.
Paul Ricketts, chair of the Friends wrote eloquently in his report for the AGM about the optimism he felt about the recent changes in personnel managing the museum and art gallery, particularly its move from the museum sector. To quote Paul:
'After years of running the staff numbers down and losing visitors as a result, Swindon Borough Council finally appear to have got serious about the Museum and realised that this is how a town can best show how proud it is both in where it has come from, where it is now, and where it is going.'
Those who couldn't attend the AGM will receive a copy of this report.
We hope to increase the number of Friends, and improve communication with them via email. If you have not yet sent your email address, please do so by emailing

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