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Thursday 13 June 2013

Visit to Chiswick House and Hogarth House on Wednesday 26th of June

 Our next Friends trip is on the 26th of June to Chiswick House and Hogarth House.
It promises to be a great day out. 
If you would like to go, please phone either Paul Ricketts  on 01672 539688 or email
We are sharing cars to get there because it will work out cheaper than hiring a minibus.
I hope you can join us.

The glorious Chiswick House

Chiswick House and Gardens

Chiswick House is a magnificent neo-Palladian villa set in beautiful historic gardens in west London. A £12.1 million project has restored the gardens which were unveiled in June 2010.

Built by the third Earl of Burlington in 1729 to showcase his art collection and to enthral his guests, the house continues to display many spectacular works of art and provides a stunning venue for entertaining.

The gardens at Chiswick are the birthplace of the English Landscape Movement and have inspired countless gardens including New York's Central Park.

Hogarth House

Front of Hogarth's House Photograph: Katri Salonen

Hogarth bought the house to act as his family’s country refuge, a weekend and summer home, away from the noise of his other home in what is now Leicester Square.
The Hogarths extended the house and enjoyed the fruit trees and nut walk in the walled garden. Stepping through the gate you will see the ancient mulberry tree - the Hogarths are said to have made mulberry pies for the Foundling children who stayed with them.
Hogarth had a ‘painting room’ at the bottom of the garden where he was working until a few days before his death.

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